
There is no denying that jewellery designer Pinky Szeto is in love with colours. A quick glance at her collections during a trade show in Hong Kong brings to mind pastel-coloured flowers in a garden of golds and greens, or a kaleidoscope of colourful fish swimming in the earth’s bluest oceans.

Szeto sits down with JNA to talk about her well-loved collections as well as the latest projects of the Hong Kong International Jewellery Designers Association (HKIJDA), which she heads.

JNA: Could you tell us more about your background as a jewellery designer?
Pinky Szeto:
I’ve been designing jewellery for about 20 years now. I think my passion for jewellery design was inspired by my mother who was a jeweller as well. I grew up in the jewellery industry, so to speak. I established Starlite Jewellery Company in 2007, along with my brand, Slite.

As a designer, I’m drawn to colours so you’ll find an abundance of coloured gemstones in my collections. I love combining them together. At the moment, I’m focused on designing modern, multi-purpose jewellery in whimsical designs, which bring joy to the wearer. What makes my collections exceptional, apart from the design, is superior craftsmanship but the pieces also come at reasonable prices. I know that buyers now exercise restraint in their purchases due to economic challenges so that’s why I’m adjusting too.

JNA: How would you describe your design philosophy?
I come out with new collections every season. I would normally design nature-inspired pieces bursting with colours. This time, I created a few pieces – while still colourful – with distinctive features such as a ring with a secret compartment where you’ll find more gemstones. Using modern technology, this is a concept that I’ve recently introduced to my buyers and I love seeing the reaction it elicits from them.

[Source:- jewellerynewsasia]

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