Image result for Designer 3-D printed shoes to be featured at Portland fashion event

PORTLAND, Ore. — Technology and sustainability take center stage at this year’s fashion week in Portland.

The four-day FashioNXT event began Wednesday night.

The highlight of the event will be the first designer collection of 3-D printed shoes to ever hit a runway. Lucy Beard is founder and chief cobbler of the 3-D printed shoe company Feetz.

Eight weeks ago, she teamed up with Portland designer and Project Runway winner Seth Aaron to make the first-ever designer collection of 3-D printed shoes. The shoes will make their debut Friday.

But on Wednesday, Beard explained how the 3-D printed shoes are made.

First, your foot is scanned to get the accurate dimensions. That information is then fed into machines that then, layer by layer, build your personalized 3-D printed shoe.

It was a perfect fit for the eco-friendly fashion show. All of the 3-D printed shoes are made using recycled and recyclable materials.

“When you’re done with the shoe, we actually chip it up, re-melt it and turn it into a new pair of shoes,” explained Beard. “So it’s completely sustainable as well as being custom fit.”

The Feetz company will actually be scanning people’s feet every night at the fashion show and building shoes on site.

For $175 you can buy a pair of the Seth Aaron designer 3-D printed shoes and they will be shipped to you in about two weeks.


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