Kenneth Jay Lane, the designer and bon vivant who built a global business from glittering acts of unabashed deception, producing fake and junk jewelry — or, as he liked to say, tongue in cheek, “faque” and “junque” — has died at his home in Manhattan. He was 85. Chris Sheppard, the executive vice president of Read More →

Modest wear has quickly emerged into the mainstream fashion industry and Istanbul, a city full of diversity, is at the forefront of this new trend. ISTANBUL, Turkey — Are you aware there’s a seismic shift happening in the global fashion industry? Two worlds that once existed on separate paths are slowly merging. Some of the biggest design houses are Read More →

When novelist and perfumer Tanwi Nandini Islam decided to expand her Brooklyn-based botanical beauty line, Hi Wildflower, into cosmetics, she had a specific goal in mind: Make it work for women of color. Accustomed to the fruitless search for shades that suited her own brown skin and seeing how limited options were for women like her while traveling, Read More →

Buyers of Apple iPhone SE could soon find a “Made in India” tag on their devices. Taiwanese contact manufacturer Wistron would be making it at their plant in Bengaluru.   The company recently conducted a trial run at the factory. The few phones made during the trial run will be in stores in two weeks. Read More →