Rio Tinto recently unveiled its Australian Diamonds programme in China to lend further market support to its Argyle diamonds and in response to the growing consumer and trade interest in diamond provenance. “Increasingly, the value of a diamond is tied to where and how the diamond was mined, how it was cut and polished and Read More →

Diamond production of Australia-based miner Rio Tinto at its Argyle Diamond Mine reached 6.880 million carats in the first half of the year, up 4 percent from the same period a year ago, the company announced. The company attributed the increase to the continued ramp-up of underground production, resulting in higher ore volumes processed, which Read More →

Australia-based miner Rio Tinto named Jean-Sébastien Jacques as its new chief executive beginning July 2016. Jacques is taking the place of company chief executive Sam Walsh, who’s retiring from the business. Jacques recently joined Rio Tinto’s board as deputy chief executive to ensure a smooth transition. Commenting on his appointment, Jacques said: “Rio Tinto is Read More →