Cheap, Chinese-made nylon burkas are flooding Afghanistan’s north as consumers turn to affordable, mass-produced fabrics — but in Kabul a small, determined fashion house is fighting to preserve the traditional textiles once integral to Afghan culture. Launched in 2006, “Zarif” — “precious” in Persian — commissions traditional cotton and silk from artisanal weavers, then employs Read More →

EARTH DAY WEEKEND Fashion, food trucks and music The fourth annual Pittsburgh Earth Day celebration features a series of eco-friendly cultural events that aim to help grow Pittsburgh as a sustainable city. On Thursday, the Fairmont Pittsburgh hotel, Downtown, hosts Richard Parsakian’s Ecolution Fashion Show, led by the Eons owner and featuring music by DJ Selecta and Read More →

  On the second floor of Paisley Park, atop the “little kitchen” and just past the elegant dovecote wherein resides Majesty and Divinity, two archivists tirelessly attend to the fashion archives of the performer formerly and forever known as Prince. Bethany Hopman and Rebecca Jordan, who hail from Pennsylvania and Maryland, respectively, spend their days Read More →

Stylist Julia von Boehm. Photo: Courtesy InStyle In our long-running series, “How I’m Making It,” we talk to people making a living in the fashion industry about how they broke in and found success. It’s not easy for stylists to straddle the worlds of celebrity-dominated red carpet styling and more directionally-driven editorial work, but Julia von Boehm Read More →

With summer comes melting make-up, smeared eyeliner, and super-sticky hair. Hence, it is important to give proper care to your skin and hair. Sushma Khan, National Creative Director-Makeup, Lakmé Salon, and TIGI Educator Audrey D’Souza list tips to make your make-up last long: For make-up * Go light: In summer, less is more should be your Read More →