We all want to smell our best, but we risk doing ourselves some serious damage. Perfume can help to disguise a multitude of unsavoury sins. Whether you just need a little freshener or decided to forgo having a shower in favour of a few more minutes in bed, a bottle of fragrance can make a huge difference. When it’s sunny, we may find ourselves relying on our favourite scent a little more than usual. No one wants to spend the summer months in a state of paranoia that they might smell a bit funky , but if you’re tempted to dowse yourself in perfume before you leave the house, then think again. The combination of perfume (or aftershave) and sun exposure is bad news. ALSO READ: EACC should get to the root cause of problems at Health ministry According to dermatologist Chanele Rosa: “Spraying perfume or aftershave on your chest and neck and going straight out in the sun can cause a skin condition called Poikiloderma of Civatte.” “The appearance can be described as mottled, hyper and hypo pigmentation alongside broken capillaries,” she tells The Sun . You may not have heard of this condition before, however it can occur not just as a result of using perfume then going out in the sunshine. Chanele explains damage can occur from using a hairdryer or using a sauna. “The use of saunas, steamers or holding the hairdryer too close to our face may cause high colour or little thread veins to appear. “This is a result of the heat from these particular appliances.” “TV screens, laptops and mobile phones can also be harmful to the skin as they emit a blue light known as HEV (high-energy visible light) that is as dangerous, if not more so, than sun damage,” Chanele continues.The dermatologist revealed the most effective treatment was to use sunscreen, which should be SF30 at the very least.

[Source:- standardmedia]

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